Did you give your self chance to have an idea about Islam Islam one of the most important religions form our great LORD. it not only this but also it is the last message from our merciful GOD to people whom He create .The word includes the meaning of salaam which is peace. Some people try to make wrong relation between Islam and terrorism which it isn't true If you try to read some of the meanings of Holy Quran you will give yourself great chance to judge Islam isn't just a word to be said but a complete life . It is complete system for life if it is applied correctly Just try to look faraway to the world around you to see if you act the right way Just ask yourself simple question from where you come and to where are you going . Remember that you give yourself chance to count your wealth, to prepare for that party& to study hard for your exam Islam is not that rigid religion which will prevent you from your daily activities or enjoying your hobbies. But it will only rationalizes them Just try what you will lose Here some sites will help you. If you have question or comment please contact me listen to these few words from new Muslim lady Sara Abdelaziz Mayao In the name of Allah the Beneficent The Merciful I embrace Islam ,Because the teaching of this straight forward religion are cleared and explicit and the law of which is just As Allah The Supreme has said on His book And whoso seeks as religion other than Islam it will not be accepted from Him, And lie will be a loser in the hereafter And I don't wannabe one of those, inshaAllah For more you can visit this site
www.islamunveiled.com All I have to say is all what you know already , to confirm what you already know the message of the prophet BPUH as given by God The Religion of truth . AS human beings we are given a consciousness and a duty that has placed us at the top of creation . Man is created to be God<s deputy on earth and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next live , any body who misses this chance is not likely to be given another , to be brought back again and again , because it says in Quran Majeed that when man is brought to account , he will say, O Lord , send us back and give us another chance. The Lord will say, if I send you back you will do the same based on JDC
A prove for this that He postpones the punishment of
those who disbelieve in Him or disobey Him for an appointed term The mercy of Allah is very great for those who believe in Him through the correct faith , those who avoid all kinds of sins, evil deeds and most of all, associating partners with Allah (shirk), which He will never forgive it . This part form Hazem Helmi small article I read it Lets now review
what is Islam Islam is the complete acceptance of and obedience to the teachings of God which He revealed to His prophet Muhammad PbUH We must know some important and basic Islamic Beliefs Belief in God Muslims belief in one , unique , incomparable God who has no son nor partner and that none has the right to be worshipped but Him alone. He is the true God and every other deity is false Belief in angels Muslims believe in angels and that they are honored creatures . The angels worship God alone , obey Him and act only by His command. Among them is Gabriel, Who brought down the holly Quran to Muhammad Belief in God Revealed books Muslims believe that God reveals books to his messengers as proof for mankind and as guidance for them . Among these books and the last one is the holly Quran Belief in prophets and messengers of God Muslims believe in the prophets and messengers of God starting with Adam including Noah, Abraham , Ishmael, Isaac , Jacob , Moses and Jesus ( peace be upon them ) . But God final messenger to all mankind was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad Belief in the Day of judgment Muslims believe in the day of Judgment when all people will be resurrected for God judgment according to their belief and deeds Belief in Al-Qadar Which in Divine Predestination but this belief does not mean that human beings don't have freewill . This means that they are responsible for their choices How does Islam view man Every human being , Islam affirms, stands to benefit from these divine dispensations. The road to felicity is a free and open highway which anyone may tread of his own accord . everybody is innately endowed with all these rights and privileges. God has granted them to all without discriminations. Nature, the earth, the heavens all belong to each and every human Indeed God has done all this and even more ! He has implanted his own religion into every human birth the true religion is innate. with which all humans are equipped Behind the dazzling religious diversity of mankind stands an innate religion inseparable from human nature. This is primordial religion. Ur- religion, the one and only true religion (from book, truth about original sin for Dr. Abdullah Motlak) More about Islam If you want you have more idea about our beautiful Islam, just listen to this article from Islamic education Foundation . This article about the idea that Islam is a complete code of human life Islam is a religion that organizes all aspects of life on both individual and national levels. Islam is not for mosque only. Islam is life, daily life. It is a guide to life in all aspects socially, ethically , economically and politically Islam is a complete constitution. Thus Islam keep Muslim
away from confusion , because it is logical and rational. Also Islam
organizes human nature, but does not go against it This can be done easily by saying these words ( la ilaha illa Allah , Muhammadun rasoalu Allah) these words can be translated to the following meaning ( There is no true god but
God-Allah- and Muhammad is the messenger - prophet of God) This is called Testimony of faith . Which includes two main points . Denial of everyone and everything other than Allah. And affirmation which means divinity to Allah alone This testimony must fulfill these seven points knowledge to recognize that Allah as the only true God to whom worship must be dedicated Certainty that the belief in Allah must be unblemished with any doubt Acceptance that is to accept all its conditions Submission that to fulfill its conditions submissively and willingly being content with Allah as the only god , and Muhammad,PBUH, as His Prophet and messenger Truthfulness that is to fulfill its requirements truthfully Sincerity that is to be sincere in worshipping Allah, dedicating all acts of worship to Him Alone The Love of Allah the exalted, and the love of his Messenger , Muhammad, PBUH based on the book The meaning of the Testimony by Sh. Hamoud M. Al-lahim You must also go through these points Believe that the Holly Quran is the literal word of God revealed by Him Believe that the Day of Judgment is true and will come as god promised in the Quran Accept Islam as a religion ( Not worship anything nor anyone except God (Allah) To be True Muslim you must we come now for the active practice . You must perform these five pillars which they are Testimony of Faith the words you said before to become Muslim you will practice them in you daily life Prayers there are five prayers a
day you must do all of them in there times they will not consume 30
minutes of your daily life As we mentioned above Islam was built on five- Pillars the cornerstone and the backbone of all of them is prayer why Simply because no other form
of worship can be compared to formal prayer Worship
in Islam Islam is the religion of peace If you are looking for the truth. The very name Islam comes from the Arabic root word salaam which means peace... Islam is a religion which is based upon achieving peace through the submission to the will of Allah. And if any one has any doubt about the relation between Islam and terrorism due some actions done by some people If you are fair enough you must go deep in Islamic
sources to understand the meaning of Jihad is to make effort in the way of
Allah both physical and peaceful. This meaning can be easily reached from
the Holly Quran And fight in the way of Allah those
who fight you .But do not transgress the limits. Truly Allah loves not the
transgressors 2:19 Also you can listen to the meaningful words of prophet Mohammed.BPUH The best jihad is (by) the one who strives against his own self for Allah, The Mighty and Majestic |