Islamic Shura Council

Islamic Shura Council
Ski trip
Alhamdulillah, on Sunday 26th of Febuary the Islamic Shoura Council of Bakersfield sponsored a trip to Sierra Summit Ski 
resort in Blackstone California. This is the third winter adventure so far and it proved to be a success Masha Allah. We hope 
to get an better turnout next time around Insha Allah and its always good when you are able to come back without any broken 
bones Alhamdulillah !!!.  There were a few wannabe professional snow boarders and skiers that spent more time off the skis 
than on them. But as long as you look good that’s all that matters.
Some quotes:
"The trip was a lot of fun, it served as means to foster mutual brotherhood among the youth and I very much enjoyed the 
exercise", said Imam Mohammed!
"It was fabulous because we had a lot", fun said Hamzah
"It was a great event that brought the muslims together and I had a chance to met new brothers", said Ammar.
We had a few first timers one of which was our own Imam Mohammed who was brave enough to try out both skiing and 
snowboarding and he really showed us how to  carve the snow.
Special thanks to the brothers and sisters who helped with the planning to make this a special event: Basam, Mr. and Mrs. Sufi, 
Saif Ahmed, Mohammed Al-Gazali, Salah, Muad, Imam Mohammed, the committee members from the local masjids and the 
Islamic Shoura Council of Bakersfield.
We are always looking for volunteers to help plan these fun filled adventures so if you would like to help out in the future please 
contact Imam Moohammed @ 661-836-9055.