Saturday 3/18/06
Optimal Learning Environments for Young
English Language Learners
(The California Preschool Instructional
Network and the Kern County Child Care
A workshop presented by Julie Espinoza,
Family Literacy Coordinator for Mothers Club
Community Center in Pasadena. Young English
language learners use TWO languages to learn
and grow instead of just one. Discover how
easy it is to create an optimal learning
environment that promotes successful
language acquisition and at the same time
facilitates children’s development in all
developmental domains by careful curriculum
planning and adapting the classroom
environment to best fit the needs and
interests of the English language learners.
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Location: Kern County Superintendent
of Schools Building 1300 17th Street in
Cost: Free
Contact: Seating is limited so please
RSVP today at 661.636.4444
Workshop materials, certificates of
professional growth and light refreshments
will be provided.
Saturday 3/25/06
21st Annual Early Childhood Professional
Recognition Luncheon
Presented by the Kern Association for the
Education of Young Children and co-sponsored
by Community Connection for Child Care to
benefit the Child Development Policy
Institute Classroom curriculum. Gift items
will be available for purchase.
Audience: Early childhood educators
Location: Hodel's Restaurant, 5917
Knudsen Drive in Bakersfield
Time: 11:30 a.m.
Cost: $20 per ticket and tickets must
be purchased by March 17, 2006
Contact: Tammy Burns at 661.636.4444
or e-mail at
Tuesday 4/4/06
Language Development to Support School
A rich language background is key to a
child’s success in school. This workshop
will teach listening and talking strategies
that enhance language development. Learn how
to build on a child’s current language
skills with music, poems, fingerplays and
games. Vocabulary development, receptive and
expressive language and phonemic awareness
will be discussed. Presented by Marilyn
Hurst, SEPLA Program Specialist, Kern County
Superintendent of Schools Office
Time: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm.
Location: Community Connection for
Child Care, 2000 24th St. Bakersfield, Board
Audience: Child care providers,
center-based staff, parents and the
Cost: Free
Contact: Registration is recommended
for each session in order to have an
adequate supply of materials. To register,
call Pat Barron 661.861.5308 or
Certificates of participation will be
Friday 7/4/06
Make & Take Get Together for Family, Friend
and Neighbor Caregivers
Learn how to use the CCCC Resource Library
to make learning games and books to take
home. Also get low/no cost activities to do
with children. English and Spanish
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: CCCC, 2000 24th Street in
Audience: A special workshop for
non-licensed family, friend and neighbor
Cost: Free
Contact: Reservations are required.
Please call Lisa Albert at 661.861.5251 or
e-mail at
Children are welcomed. Please let Lisa
know how many to expect. Receive free craft
supplies and a coupon for free laminating
Tuesday 4/25/06
Bringing Out the Best in Your Kids
Simple interventions for improving behavior
and social skills through environmental
arrangement. Presented by Karlyn Farber,
SEPLA Program Specialist, Kern County
Superintendent of Schools Office
Time: 6:30 pm-8:30 pm.
Location: Community Connection for
Child Care, 2000 24th St. Bakersfield, Board
Audience: Child care providers,
center-based staff, parents and the
Cost: Free
Contact: Registration is recommended
for each session in order to have an
adequate supply of materials. To register,
call Pat Barron 661.861.5308 or
Certificates of participation will be
Saturday 05/06/06
Challenging Behaviors: Tools for the
Sponsored by California Association for
the Education of Young Children Professional
Development Academy and Kern Association for
the Education of Young Children
A hands-on, interactive workshop offering
specific strategies for dealing with
challenging behaviors. Learn:
Methods to reduce challenging behaviors
Strategies to promote replacement skills
How adult responses can influence
behavior in children and reduce conflict
Practical skills for minimizing
challenging behavior and promoting
healthy development
Teaching strategies for dealing with
intense and persistent behavior
University Square Building, 2000 K Street in
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (lunch
is not provided)
Cost: $95 for members and non-members
Contact: Tammy Burns at 636.4444
Pre-registration is required. All
registrations must be received by April 26,
2006. Certificates of Professional Growth
will be provided.
Friday 05/12/06
Make & Take Get Together for Family, Friend
and Neighbor Caregivers
Learn how to use the CCCC Resource Library
to make learning games and books to take
home. Also get low/no cost activities to do
with children. English and Spanish
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: CCCC, 2000 24th Street in
Audience: A special workshop for
non-licensed family, friend and neighbor
Cost: Free
Contact: Reservations are required.
Please call Lisa Albert at 661.861.5251 or
e-mail at
Children are welcomed. Please let Lisa
know how many to expect. Receive free craft
supplies and a coupon for free laminating
Friday 06/09/06
Make & Take Get Together for Family, Friend
and Neighbor Caregivers
Learn how to use the CCCC Resource Library
to make learning games and books to take
home. Also get low/no cost activities to do
with children. English and Spanish
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: CCCC, 2000 24th Street in
Audience: A special workshop for
non-licensed family, friend and neighbor
Cost: Free
Contact: Reservations are required.
Please call Lisa Albert at 661.861.5251 or
e-mail at
Children are welcomed. Please let Lisa
know how many to expect. Receive free craft
supplies and a coupon for free laminating