Personal Details Name : Husam Hassan Abulula Date of Birth : 21 October 1967 Address : School of Biology University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JT UK E-mail : ![]() Education Oct. 1994 - 1998 : PhD. in Medical Physics at Dundee University, UK. Oct. 1991 - Nov. 1992 : M.Sc. in Medical Physics at the University of Exeter, Exeter, UK. Sept. 1985 - Jun. 1990 : B.Sc. in Physics at the King Saud University, Saudi Arabia securing a GPA of 4.58/5 (Excellent). ![]() Work Experience August 2006 - on going: Project Director for Biomedical Engineering equipments at King Saud University Hospital, Riyadh. Project runs five sections Bio-Mechanical, Bio-Electronics, Bio-Laboratory, Bio-X-ray and Bio-PC. Dec. 2001 - Dec. 2002: Post Doctorate (Research Fellow), Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton. The research is about modelling and designing an active noise cancellation system in Airplanes. MATLAB toolboxes were used for the simulation and the system implementation. Nov. 1998 - Nov. 2001: Post Doctorate (Research Fellow), School of Biology, University of Leeds. The research involves the 3D sound implementations in Virtual Reality as was funded for 3 years by the EPSRC. Experience includes: the use of Silicon Graphics System, signal processing, World Tool Kit from Sense8 and C++ programming. The project also includes the human hearing response model of bat echolocation to various bands of frequencies to implement on VR. Oct. 1994 - Oct. 1998: Research involves the cancellation of acoustic noise produced by MRI scanners conducted at Medical Physics Dept., University of Dundee. Experience includes: signal processing, programming, data analysis, designing an active noise cancellation system and using data acquisition & DSP boards. The research involves the human hearing response. Nov. 1993 - Mar. 1994: Four months in the Medical Electronics Department and Clinical Measurements Department at the Royal Devon & Exeter Healthcare Trust during which a number of Electronics Projects conducted. May 1993 - Jun. 1993: Five weeks at the Medical Physics Department of Christie Hospital, Manchester, involved with the following: Nuclear Medicine Services, Support to Diagnostic Radiology Department, Support to users of Ultrasound Equipment, Brachytherapy Services, Radiotherapy Physics Services June 1992 - Oct. 1992: Experimental portion of M.Sc. Project (The Study of Flatness of Radiation Distribution from Linear Accelerator using Semiconductor Radiation Detector) conducted in the Medical Physics Department at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital, involving the formation of the Measurements of Beam Flatness by utilising a DPD Diode System on a 6 MV Varian Linear Accelerator. A program was developed to control the DPD System and display the results achieved. ![]() Conferences and publications 13th January 2005 : International Patent Application no. PCT/2004/002839 based on GB application no. 0315342.6 "Control of Nearfield Arrays" was published under the number WO 2005/004533 Centre for Enterprise and Innovation, University of Southampton. 7 - 10 July 2003 : 'Active Control and the Design of Nearfield Array', Tenth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Stockholm, Sweden. Dec. 2002 : Two internal reports were submitted to the Institute of Sound and Vibration Research, University of Southampton, Southampton. 'Local Sound Control of Remote and Adjacent Sources' and 'Strategies for the control of the near field pressure of an acoustic array'. 29 July - 1 August 2001 : 'The Virtual Bat: Echolocation in Virtual Reality', proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2001), Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland. 28 January 1999 : 'Analysis of Acoustic Noise Patterns in MR Imaging and Reduction by Anti-noise', Current Safety Issues in Magnetic Resonance Meeting at Royal Marsden Hospital, London. 24th - 27 June 1996 : 'Active Noise Cancellation in MRI Scanners', participated in the Fourth International Congress on Sound and Vibration, St Petersburg, Russia. 20th - 23 November 1995 : Participated in a number of Postgraduate Research Student's Symposiums, Dundee. Assisted in the third Scottish MRI seminar, 8 May 1998. Attended the Eurospin MRI QA course, Dundee. ![]() Training January - July 2006 : completed "Cisco Networking course" semester one, Bradford College. January - July 2006 : Video editing and filming techniques course, Thomas Danby college, Leeds. February 2004 - July 2004 : Training course in "Introduction to Teaching and Training", City and Guilds 7307 Stage 1, Park Lane College, Leeds. August 2003 - January 2004 : Placement as IT assistant for the following courses New CLAIT, IBT2 and ECDL, TechNorth Family Learning Centre, Leeds. July 2003 - January 2004 : IT courses and computer skills in Microsoft Office including: CLAIT, IBT2 and ECDL, TechNorth Family Learning Centre, Leeds. March 2003 - May 2004 : IT courses including: New CLAIT and CLAIT Plus at Leeds College of Technology, Leeds. September 2003 - December 2003 : TV & Video production training course, including modularised, vocational training using industry standard facilities at Vision On, Host Media Centre, Leeds. ![]() Other Skills Programming languages include Fortran, Basic, C++ and Webpage design languages include html and java. Software packages include Matlab, World Tool Kit, Flash, Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Microsoft Office and many others. Work stations used Unix and Silicon Graphics. Upgrading and assembling computers. Teaching Arabic courses to non-Arabic speakers and running courses on 'How to build your web-page?'. Fluent in both Arabic & English. Hold a clean driving licence. ![]() Hobbies Reading, Arabic Linguistic, managing video-audio library, repairing electrical devices, visiting friends, organising social gatherings, arranging and participating in sporting activities (football, volleyball), playing Taekwondo. |