Jesus points to Ahmad (Pbuh)
Readers of works on Biblical prophecies on Prophet
Muhammad (Pbuh) may recall that in New Testament John the Baptist foretold of a
Prophet (Pbuh) so mighty that the Baptist was not worthy to stoop to untie his
footwear string. Prophet (Pbuh) Jesus himself promised to go back to God and
send down to the world the paraclete-a Greek noun meaning comforter
(now unfortunately dismissed to be merely counsellor and even helper
by modern versions of Bible). Multilingual Bible expert Rev. Benjamin David
Keldani, Bishop of Urmia, opines that paraclete does not grammatically
fit the sentence; by consideration of various other factors, the word in
question ought to be periqlytos: It means praiser which in Arabic
is nothing but Ahmad, the other name of Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh); also
ancient Bibles in Syrian and other Semitic languages (Which ought to be more
authentic than the Greek 'Original') use only terms that mean praiser.
Incidentally, in Barnabas' Gospel only periqlytos is used. For this
reason and for closely resembling Qur'anic account of Jesus' life this Gospel is
rejected by all the Churches. Jesus refers to 'Seal'
The numerous prophecies of Muhammad (Pbuh)
including those sampled already in this article have all been misinterpreted by
Christians in favour of Jesus. This author was astounded to stumble upon a verse
in New Testament pointing straight to Muhammad (Pbuh). It is therefore
irrefutable. Moreover, it still remains 'virginal', free of prejudicial
misinterpretations. This verse, Jn 6:27 reports Jesus as saying. Labour not for the meat which perishes, but for
that which endureth unto life everlasting which the son of Man shall give you.
For, him hath God, the Father, sealed. Since the son of man is referred to by Jesus in
third person, he is not Jesus himself, as claimed by Christians. Only Muhammad (Pbuh)
was son of a man named Abdullah, and of course also of Amina, a woman. But Jesus
was son of woman only, Virgin Mary, by virtue of what Christians celebrate as
Immaculate Conception. He was born of a miracle from God and for this reason God
(in Qur'an), Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) and, after them, Muslims call him Roohullah-the
spirit of God. They never refer to him by the common usage son of Adam
i.e. son of man. Seal of Prophets or Prophetic Seal
Coming to the key word of the verse sealed, what
is meant by 'for him hath God, the father, sealed?' In simple English the
sentence will be: Because, God, the father, has sealed him. i.e..,
Everlasting meat will be given only by the son of man since he is the only one
to have the most unique qualification of being sealed by God himself. Finality of Prophethood
The idea of son of man being sealed
requires careful appreciation. Seal has more than one meaning. Firstly, it means
closing off with wax, plastic tape, metal cap, door lock and the like to avoid
any further filling, tampering or entering. By extension, it also means the last
or ending material, action or event. The words denoting seal in all Semitic
languages like Aramaic (mother tongue of Jesus), Hebrew (language of Jews) and Arabic all connote end.
The same denotations and connotations are equally true in Indo-European and
other languages. Muhammad (Pbuh) was not only greatest of Prophets
(Pbuh) sent next to Jesus, according to the Baptist. He was also, according to
Jesus, the seal of Prophets (Pbuh) the very last the long line of some 1,24,000
God bestowed upon world's societies. Christ's allusion to finality of
prophethood is indeed significant, which has been claimed only by Muhammad (Pbuh).
On what authority can he be taken as the final Prophet? Towards the end of his
life came the very last of Qur'anic revelation. It read, "This day have I perfected your
religion for you " (Sura Ma'ida, verse 3). Bible corroborates this.
For, Christ had promised that: "But when he, the spirit of truth (i.e.
paraclete), is come he will guide you into all truth .." (Jn 16:13). Stamp of Authenticity
Execution of wills, agreements and transactions
are not legally valid unless the documents are authenticated by appropriate
judicial, non-judicial or revenue stamps, printed or affixed. Organisations have
embossing type "common seals" for the purpose. They also use printed
letterheads to communicate, authorize or order goods and services. Then only
they will be believed, respected and responded to. Engraved finger rings were
used from time immemorial by rulers, religious heads and authorities for
authenticity and compliance. Imprint of them were made on decrees and
communications. These rings were the forerunners of modern day metallic or
rubber stamps. Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) wanted to send epistles to
emperors of Abyssinia, Egypt, Byzantine, Persia, etc., inviting them to Islam.
His companions pointed out that communications without sender's seal had no
value. So he got his seal made, a silver finger ring with his name and
designation carved. Muhammad, Apostle of God
Thus he became the first and the only 'sealed'
Prophet (Pbuh) meaning; one who possessed designation seal. (in grammatical line
with : horned bull, winged bird, etc.). A side issue is whether The Prophet (Pbuh) was
himself sealed by God? Authorized by Him? Well, every behaviour of his,
commission or omission, was with express command or permission of God, as
believed by his followers, as declared by himself and as confirmed by God in his
Qur'an! Prophethood seal imprinted
Let us come to yet another meaning of seal, the
most direct and decidedly the most significant! It is its literal meaning
i.e. physically stamping, affixing, imprinting or embossing. The Biblical Verse
of the seal alludes to a bodily identification sign on The Prophet's (Pbuh)
physique! The verse seeks to call attention to a mark put upon him by God in
the same manner as ISI mark, Agmark, Woolmark, etc. which are guarantee of
quality and quantity of goods. Historical accounts found in authenticated hadith
compilations of Bukhari, et al say that The Prophet (Pbuh) had a reddish
protrusion on his right shoulder. It was the size of a pigeon's egg with hairs
growing on it. He has explained it as prophetic seal special to
himself. It was a three dimensional identification "embossed" on him!
It was most unique to him, not some sign common to all Prophets (Pbuh). Many of
his holy companions had the good fortune to witness and kiss it!. |
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