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Indeed, when a woman enters Paradise Allah will restore her youth and her virginity. As Mohammed (Peace and blessings be upon him) said "Old women will not enter Paradise. Truly, Allah the Most High will admit them into Paradise and He will
transform them (back) into virgins
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Paradise has been adorned and beautified for you (O Sisters) so do not squander this opportunity. Indeed, life is short, it will come to an end. Nothing will remain after it except eternal life
If god wills (Inshaa-Allah), your eternal life will begin in Paradise
Know (my beloved Sisters) that the dowry of Paradise is faith and righteous deeds not false aspirations
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Remember (Sisters) that Mohammed (Pbuh) said "If a woman performs her five daily prayers, fasts during the month of Ramadan, guards her chastity and obeys her husband. It will be said to her "enter any gate of Paradise you wish
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Narrated from Umm Salmah (RA) that she asked the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him about the meaning of the words "Hoor and Aa'een". He said (Pbuh) Hoor means "white" (eyes with a marked contrast of white and black. Intensely white and deep black), and Aa'een means "large eyes
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I said and the statement of
(there will be) Houris (fair females) with wide, lovely eyes
(as wives for the pious). [56:22
Like unto preserved pearls. [56:23
He said it means "Clear and pure pearls in (pearl) oysters which have never been touched by man or jinn
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I said "and the statement of
(gardens) will be fair (wives) good and beautiful. [55:70
He (Pbuh) said "Women with have high moral standards and dazzling beauty". They limit their glances (i.e. they are chaste and modest and only look at their husbands) and they are women who have large beautiful eyes
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I said " and the statement
with them will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring
none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes [3:48
.(Delicate and (pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved
He (Pbuh) said " Their softness is like the softness of the membrane (of an egg) which can be seen on the inside of an egg shell
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I said " and the statement
(their husbands only), equal in age." [56:37
He (Pbuh) said "They are those women (women of the world) who died whilst they were old and grey haired. Allah gave them life after old age and then he transformed them back into virgins, loving (their husbands only), passionate, attractive and of equal age
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I said" O messenger of Allah for what reason? (changing the women into virgins e.t.c.) He said "Due to (their obedience towards Allah by fulfilling their) five daily prayers, fasts and their worship of Allah, the All-Powerful, the Great
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Allah will adorn their faces with light, their bodies with silk, they will be fair skinned. He (the All-Mighty) will dress them in green coloured garments, (give them) gold jewels, braziers made from pearls and combs made from gold
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These (women) will say"We (have entered the eternal life of Paradise) never will we die. We are living in pure bliss never will we become unhappy. We are (permanent) residents of (Paradise) never will we leave
We are delighted and jubilant never will we become discontented. Blessed is he who belongs to us and blessed is he who we belong to
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I said "O Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) what if a woman is married two, three or four times, (i.e. women who were widowed and married again). Then she dies, and she enters Paradise and so do all her husbands (on the Day of Judgment). Who will she be with in Paradise?
He said (Pbuh) "O Umm Salmah. Indeed, she will be given a choice to choose the one who was best in conduct towards her. She will say "O my Lord! He treated me the best, O my Lord marry me to him".
"O Umm Salmah indeed the one who has a beautiful character has taken the best of the this world and the Hereafter"
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