Sayings of Wisdom from the Prophet (salallahu alaihi wassallam)
Fear Allah wherever you are and follow
up a bad deed with a good one as it will wipe it out and behave well
towards people. (Related by at-Tabari according to Abu
Fear Allah and treat your children equally.
(Related by an-Nu’an).
Beware of the invocation of the oppressed as
there is no barrier between it and Allah. (Related by
Beware of oppression, for it will turn
into darkness on the Day of Resurrection. And beware of miserliness
for it ruined those who preceded you as it led them to bloodshed as
well as be cautious in treating lawfully the forbidden acts.
(Related Imam Ahmad according to Abu Huraira)
To talk about Allah’s blessing is
an expression of gratitude, and not doing so is an act of disbelief.
The one who is not thankful for the few blessings will not be
thankful for the many. And the one who is not thankful to the people
will not be thankful to Allah. Unity is a blessing and
division is a punishment. (Related by al-Bayhaqi).
A hypocrite has three distinguishing
signs, when he talks he lies, when he promises he breaks it and when
he is entrusted with something, he betrays such trust. (Related
by the two Sheiks according to Abu Huraira).
Avoid the seven great destructive sins.
These are to join partners in worship with Allah, to practice
sorcery, to kill without justification a living being whose life has
been declared sacred by Allah, to practice usury, to misappropriate
the property of an orphan, to flee from the battlefield at the
time of fighting and to slander chaste and innocent believing women.
(Related by the two Sheikhs).
Allah likes most perpetual deeds however
minimal. (Related by the two Sheiks according to ‘Aisha).
Wish for others what you wish for yourself.
(Related by al-Bukhari).
Allah Most High loves a servant of His
who is lenient when he sells, lenient when he buys, lenient when he
pays his debt and lenient when he demands the payment of a debt due
to him. (Related by al-Bayhaqi according to Abu Huraira).
Whenever you go to bed, perform your ablution
the way you do it for prayer, then lie down on your right side
and say “O Allah! I have surrendered my fate to You, I
have entrusted all my affairs to You and I have depended on You.
There is no refuge and no asylum from You except with You. O Allah! I
believe in Your Book which You have revealed and in Your Prophet
whom You have sent." (Related by al-Bukhari and
When one of you suffers a calamity, he
should say, “To Allah we belong and to Him we shall return. O
Allah, I seek reward from you for my affliction, so compensate
me for it and grant me something better than that as its substitute”.
(Related by Ibn Majah according to Umm Salama).
When any of you starts eating, let him mention
the name of Allah Most High. If he forgot to do so at the
beginning of the meal, when he remembers, he should say, “In
the name of Allah at its beginning and at its end.”
When any of you leads the people in prayer,
he should shorten it, for among them are the young, the old, the
weak, the sick, and the one preoccupied with his affairs. But when he
prays alone, he may prolong his prayer as much as he wishes. (Related
by at-Tirmithi according to Abu Huraira).
When a woman gives in charity from her
husband’s house, reasonably and without waste, she receives the
reward of what she has spent and her husband receives his reward for
having earned it and the storekeeper will have a similar reward. The
reward of one does not decrease those of the others. (Related
by the Two Sheiks).
When one of you enters a mosque, let him
pray two rak’ats before sitting. (Related by the
When one of you gets invited to a wedding banquet, he should accept
the invitation. (Related by the al-Bukhari and Muslim).
When one of you sees a pleasant dream, then it
is from Allah, and he should thank Allah for it and tell it to
others. But when he sees something else (an unpleasant dream) which
he dislikes, then it is from Satan and he should seek refuge
with Allah from its evil and should not mention it to anyone, for
then it would not harm him. (Related by al-Bukhari according
to Abu Sa’id).
When one of you sees a bad dream, he should
spit thrice towards his left then seek refuge with Allah from
Satan three times. He should then turn over to the side other than
the one he was lying on. (Related by Muslim according to
The woman who renders her five daily
prayers, fasts her month of Ramadan, guards her chastity and obeys
her husband, enters Paradise. (Related by al-Bazza according
to Anas)
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