A number of hadiths have been attributed to the Prophet
which demean
Abyssinians, Sudanese or blacks in general. Typically
these hadith claim
that Aisha, Ibn Abbas, Ibn Umar, Abu Huraira or
Anas heard the Prophet
Muhammad saying something derogatory
towards blacks. One supposed hadith
claims that the Prophet
'Choose suitable marriage partners for your children,
but avoid marrying
blacks for they are a deformed race (fa innahu
lawnun mushawwah)'
[al-Hindi, Kunzal Ammal, 16:125; al-Minawi,
Fayd al-Qadr, 3:237]
Other hadiths claim that the Prophet
said,'Blacks live by their private parts and stomachs (i.e. they
fornicate and eat excessively)'
[al-Hindi, Kanal Ammal, 9:86-87;
al-Tabari, al-Mujam al-Kabir, 11:153;
al-Baghdadi, Tarikg Baghdad,
In another hadith it was stated that Allah created the
whire race
(dhurriyyah bayda) from Adam's right shoulder, and
created the black race (dhurriyyah sawda) from Adam's left shoulder,
then decreed thatthose on the right will enter heaven and those on
the left will enter hell.[Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 6:492]
hadith have however been proven false! [al-Juranji, al-Kamil fi
Duafa, 3:328, 6:155, 466-467, 7:103]
Ibn Qayyim said: 'All the
traditions deprecating the Abyssinians and Sudanese are pure
fabrications....a 'matn' analysis by itself wouldbe sufficient to
reject these reports' [al-Albani, Silslat, 2:158]
In fact,
it is authentically reported that the Prophet said that all people
are equal regardless of their skin colour.
The Prophet said:
'Each Prophet before me had been sent to his specific people, but I
was sent to every nation, whether red or black (wa buithtu ila kulli
ahmara wa aswada)'. [an-Nawawi, Sharh Sahih Muslim, 5/6:6-7; Ibn
Hanbal, Musnad, 1:311]
The Prophet also said: 'Praise be to
Allah, there is only one book of Allah, and among you the believers
are nations, red, white and black (wa fikum al-ahmar wa fikum
al-abyad wa fikum al-aswad)' [Ibn Qayyim, Awn al-Mabud, 3:59-60]
one occassion the Prophet said to Abu Dharr: 'Take note that you are
not better than thered or black nationsexcept to theextent that you
exceed them in piety (taqwa)' [Ibn Hanbal, Musnad, 5:206]
hadith states:One day a black man or woman who used to sweep the
mosque died. On the night of this persons death the Prophet asked
about their whereabouts. He was told that the person died. After
asking why he was not informed, he went to the persons grave and
subsequently prayed for them.
Furthermore, the Prophet said:
'People are as equal as the teeth of a comb, they are differentiated
only by piety' [Ibn Hajar, Fath al Bari, 1:658-659, 3:204-205]
above text was taken from, Speaking in God's name, by Abou El Fadl.]
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