It Wasn't Arabs
by Edgar J. Steele
November 18, 2003
me count the ways..."
--- with apologies to
Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The following email came from a list member this morning: "Today's Jews are far from perfect! But their enemies are my enemies too. I detest the Arabs. To my way of thinking they are two-faced butchers. It seems as though most of the world's terrorists come from their countries."
I got a little carried away with my response, I confess. It felt cleansing, somehow, to list all the reasons why this person was wrong. Maybe it was my being included in the SPLC's recent "List of 40 to Watch," meaning right wingers they have targeted for elimination, wherein I was labeled an anti-semite. (You want anti-semite? I'll give you anti-semite!) Here is my response, in full:
I haven't the degree of antipathy you feel for Arabs, despite a couple that I would willingly have dispatched, had it been legal. Nor do I have any particular love for them, other than that normally reserved for the underdog. Your hatred seems born of something quite apart from personal experience. Here is just part of the basis for my outlook:
It wasn't Arabs who
tried to steal my law practice - it was a jew.
It wasn't Arabs
who threatened to kill my children and wife - it was jews.
wasn't Arabs who threatened to kill me - and continue to do so
with regularity - it was/is jews.
It wasn't Arabs who
screwed the stockholders of the company I worked for in SF - it was
It isn't Arabs who fill my email inbox with
pornographic spam - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who send all
those viruses to me over the Internet - it is jews.
It isn't
Arabs who try to get my ISP to cancel my internet access - it is
It isn't Arabs who periodically forge mass spam
mailings to so many, using my domain name - it is jews.
isn't Arabs who send me all that incredibly vituperative,
irrational and pornographic hate mail - it is jews.
It wasn't
Arabs who blocked my PayPal account and stole the balance it
contained - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who painted a
bullseye on my chest by labeling me one of "40 to watch" -
it was jews.
It isn't Arabs who have made it all but
impossible for me to work as a lawyer - it is jews.
It isn't
Arabs who maintain a dossier on me and draw from it to defame me
on every venue possible - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs who
have been bent upon bankrupting and imprisoning so many that I know -
it was and is jews.
It isn't Arabs who have arrested and
imprisoned Chester Doles as a felon in possession of a gun, though he
is no felon and owned no guns - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who indicted David Duke on tax evasion charges that were pure
speculation, forcing a plea deal and a 1-year prison sentence because
he dared not go before a jury - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who arrested Artie Wheeler for domestic terrorism because he had
firearm reloading equipment and supplies - it was jews.
wasn't Arabs who arrested and imprisoned Christine Greenwood for
distributing clothing to needy white children - it was jews.
wasn't Arabs who sued and bankrupted Richard Butler because he
provided shelter to some derelicts who stupidly shot at some people -
it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who had Ernst Zundel deported
to Canada - it was jews - where he now stands accused of thought
crimes - by jews - for which he could get deported again, to Germany,
where he will be tried for more thought crimes - by jews.
wasn't Arabs who sued and bankrupted Tom Metzger because one of
his followers stupidly killed another - it was jews.
It isn't
Arabs who have hijacked my government - it is jews.
isn't Arabs who have hijacked the American legal system and now
are transforming it to conform to Talmudic law - it is jews.
isn't Arabs who own and run the Federal Reserve Bank, which is in
the process of destroying the dollar and the American economy - it is
It isn't Arabs rigging the US stock market and
commodities futures markets - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who sent our military into Afghanistan and Iraq - it was jews.
isn't Arabs who refuse to serve in the US Military in numbers
proportionate to their population percentage - it is jews (1/10 of
1%, vs. 2-1/2%).
It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove "under
God" from the Pledge of Allegiance - it was jews.
wasn't Arabs who sued to remove the Ten Commandments from that
Alabama courthouse, had Judge Moore removed from the bench and now
seek to disbar him - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who sue to
remove nativity scenes from public venues - it is jews.
isn't Arabs who erect menorahs in public venues in place of
crosses - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs who sued to remove
group prayer from public schools - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs
suing to remove decorative lights from schools at Christmas - it was
It isn't Arabs who refuse to allow children to say
grace over their school lunches - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs
who continue to impose affirmative action upon us in all walks of
life - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who began and continue to
expand militant feminism - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who
buy off all our legislators with our own tax dollars - it is jews.
wasn't Arabs who tried to sink the USS Liberty and killed and
maimed so many of its crewmembers during an extended attack - it was
It isn't Arabs enacting hate crime laws designed to
outlaw criticism of themselves - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs
who run NAMBLA (North American Man-Boy Love Association) - it is
It isn't Arabs suing to force us to allow homosexuals
to lead boy scout troops - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs who
started and ran so many black organizations like the NAACP - it was
It isn't Arabs importing huge numbers of Somalians
and Bantu into American cities - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who formulated American legislation providing pensions to Russian
jewish immigrants for doing nothing - it was jews.
It isn't
Arabs who run organized crime throughout America - it is jews.
isn't Arabs who import tons of drugs into America every day - it
is jews.
It isn't Arabs who literally own and run all of
Hollywood's moviemaking enterprise - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs
who literally own and run all of America's mainstream media - it is
It isn't Arabs spewing obscenity and race-mixing
propaganda from the TV and movie screens - it is jews.
It isn't
Arabs trying mightily to block release of the Mel Gibson movie,
"The Passion" - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs lying
about and guilt tripping us with "the holocaust" - it is
It isn't Arabs stealing American tax dollars to fund
all their holocaust monuments throughout America - it is jews.
wasn't Arabs who forged the Anne Frank "diary" - it was
It wasn't Arabs who lied about gas chambers at Dachau
and Auschwitz - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who lied about
mass graves at Treblinka - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who
lied about jews being made into lamp shades and soap during WWII - it
was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who doctored WWII prison camp
photos to appear to be belching smoke from crematoria - it was
It wasn't Arabs who used WWII pictures of dead non
jews, claiming they were jews - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who made anti-semitical talk punishable by death in Russia after
they took power - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who killed
over 20 million Russian Christians - it was jews.
It wasn't
Arabs who looted and destroyed the Russian economy - it was
It isn't Arabs who have amassed an illegal arsenal of
over 300 nuclear weapons in the Middle East - it is the jews.
isn't Arabs who brag about controlling America - it is jews.
isn't Arabs who advocate the use of torture by and on Americans -
it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who twist American laws to
punish anti-semitical speech - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs
endeavoring to get America to outlaw anti-semitical speech - it is
It isn't Arabs who sell goods that it is illegal in
America to boycott - it is Israeli jews.
It isn't Arabs who
extort "fees" for allowing their kosher label on goods - it
is jews.
It isn't Arabs who retaliate against rock-throwing
children by shooting them in the head - it is jews.
It isn't
Arabs stealing land in Palestine - it is jews.
It wasn't
Arabs who ran down Rachel Corrie with a bulldozer - it was a
It isn't Arabs who have caused America to spend $2.5
trillion ($31,250 per American family) in the Middle East - it is
It isn't Arabs who send teams of trained assassins
into foreign countries, including America, to kill people with whom
Israel disagrees - it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who run the
ADL, which maintains dossiers on thousands of law-abiding American
citizens, for the purpose of punishing those with whom they disagree
- it is jews.
It isn't Arabs who break into and enter the
offices and homes of law-abiding American citizens, to procure
evidence both for their database and in the hopes of getting evidence
they can pass to the FBI for prosecution - it is jews.
It isn't
Arabs who have caused America to go from being the most-loved
country in the world to the most hated - it is jews.
though most won't believe it (all the preceding are facts - provable
It isn't Arabs who regularly phony up "hate
crimes" against themselves - it is jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who caused the Great Depression - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs
who started WWI - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who started
WWII - it was jews.
It wasn't Arabs who killed JFK - it was
It wasn't Arabs who demolished the World Trade Center
- it was jews.
It isn't Arabs bent upon destroying
Christianity - it is jews.
And, lest we forget:
wasn't Arabs who had Jesus Christ crucified - it was jews.
America. An idea whose time has come.
"I didn't say it
would be easy. I just said it would be the truth."
- Morpheus
Copyright ©2003, Edgar J. Steele
Forward as you wish. Permission is granted to circulate
among private individuals and groups, post on all Internet
sites and publish in full in all not-for-profit publications.
Contact author for all other rights, which are reserved.
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