
RESOLUTION No. (62/13/6)


Quote - The Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy, in its sixth session held
in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, from 17 to 23 Sha'ban, 1410 H
(Corresponding to 14 - 20 March 1990);


Firstly: INVITES all Muslims to solidarity, unification of their word and
attachment to find Islamic solutions to their problems; to discharge their
duty of presenting Islam to the world, as a radical solution to its
problems, instead of hiding themselves behind materialistic principals
which bankruptcy is evident. ALSO INVITES all Muslims to pay due attention
to the fate of their brothers in the Eastern countries and to defend their
legitimate rights to preserve their religious personality and to enjoy
their human rights.
Secondly:The Council of the Academy condemns the emigration of Soviet Jews
to the Holy Land, the Land of the Nightly Ascension, and is of the opinion
that this constitutes a great danger confronting the Islamic Ummah as a
whole. The Council call upon the Arab and Islamic Countries to unite their
declarations and their position and to face this sudden danger and to use
all possible means to save the occupied territories, to liberate the holy
Shrines, and to get rid the place of the Prophet's Ascension of the hands
of the usurpators, and to support the (Palestinian) "Intifadha" (uprising)
against the Zionist enemy, in order to help it achieve its goal and ensure
its continuity.
Thirdly: The Council invites to draw the interest of all information media
of Islamic countries, to direct them towards the right path in the service
of Islam and to face contemporary challenges. It entrusts the General
Secretariat of the Academy to organize a special seminar on information media.
Fourthly:To organize a seminar on contemporary arts such as: singing,
music, dance, etc. covered by the media.
Fifthly:To undertake thorough studies and researches on the issue of
expiation for multiple crimes in order to take a decision on the subject.
Sixthly:To postpone the examination of the issue of "Company Shares", in
order to undertake more thorough study of this subject.
Seventhly:To organize a seminar on the issue of :"Options and Futures".
Eighthly:To set up, at the discretion of the Secretary General of the
Academy, a Committee composed of Fuqahas and economists, in view of finding
answers to the queries submitted by the Islamic Development Bank relating
to its participation to activities of joint-stock companies.

May Allah grant us success. Unquote
(From the Book "Resolution and Recommendations of the Council of the
Islamic Fiqh Academy. (1985-2000), Published by- Islamic Research and
Training Institute, Islamic Development Bank Jeddah. E-mail Address:
Archives@ISDB.ORG.SA, Home page:

[Note: Some of these issues have been resolved in later resolutions, some
of which have been sent to you earlier.  Shah Abdul Hannan]

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