
Resolution No. 16(4-3)


Quote: The Council of the Islamic Fiqh Academy holding its third session, in Amman, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, From 8 to 13 Safar 1407 H (11 to 16 October 1986),

After having reviewed the studies on the subject of “Artificial insemination” and having listened to the experts and physicians:

 After investigation:

It became evident to the Council that there are seven (7) known methods, used nowadays, for artificial insemination:

A.  The first five(5) methods are all forbidden and absolutely prohibited for its own sake or due to ensuing consequences manifested in confusion about parenthood and loss of motherhood and other Shari’a prohibited matters.  These methods are:
1.      The fertilization taking place in vitro between the semen taken from the husband and the ovum taken from a woman who is not his wife, and the fertilized ovum is then planted in the womb of his wife.

                2.The fertilization taking place in vitro between the semen taken from a man  who is not the husband and the ovum taken from the wife of another man, and  the fertilized ovum is then planted in the womb of his woman.
                3.The ferilization taking place in vitro between the semen and the ovum taken from spouses, and the fertilized ovum is then planted in the womb of volunteer women.
                4.The fertilization taking place in vitro between male semen and female ovum taken from two strangers and the fertilized ovum is then planted in the womb  of another man’s wife.
                5.The fertilization taking place in vitro between the semen and the ovum taken from spouses, and the fertilized ovum is then planted in the womb of the husband’s other spouse.

B. However, in the Council’s opinion, there is no objection if one resorts to the sixth or seventh method, in case of necessity, provided all required precautions are taken. These two methods are:
6.      Fertilization in vitro of a woman’s ovum by her husband’s semen and implantation of the fertilized ovum in the womb of this same woman.

        7.      External insemination, by taking the semen of a husband and injecting it in the appropriate place in the womb or uterus of his wife, for in vivo fertilization 


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