is medical miracle in the a bore sayings of the prophet
Mohammed PBUH which if the international medical circles
are just must be recognized and recorded by golden ink.
What has been revealed by the prophet of Islam
before fourteen centuries the modern discovery. The
prophets saying shows the significance of the venation
between the poison its are the body subject to disease.
The above saying shows that if the home fly fall in
eatables or drink bales we have to remember that it
might drop in it harmful germs. We have to remember
also that the home fly is nursing the medicine for the
same disease caused by the germs it dropped in the food
or drunk. Therefore if we dip the whole insect inside
the food drink, then we create ahggenic balance. In
other words we can be safe of the disease because we
have already got its medicine. The amount of the bacteria
dose in the fly is equal to the amount of the bacteria
therefore it is capable of eliminating it. Now it is
suientically prophet that the fly secrets an enzyme
called bacteria or germs killer which may hang on or
attack the home fly. Hence it is a proof to the cerrectness
of the saying of the prophet of Islam. Dr. Amin Ridha,
the professor of bones surgeon in medical college in
Alexandria Unwisely wrote a research about the He dith
of Home Fly. He confirmed that the old medical references
contain medical prescribe tion to different diseases
which advice to use Home fly. In the modern time the
surgeons of the 1930 who were in the period which preceded
the discover of sulfate have witnessed the medication
of chuonic bone breaks and chuonic ulcers by Home fly
This bone breaks and chuonic ulcers undulates that modern
science has confirmed the correctness of the prophets
sayings which have been revealed to him by Allah before
fourteen centuries Source scientific Miracles in Islam
Sunna Nabaweya