Article 50



(1) 4th Generation Containerships, 3rd Generation Containerships and Very Large Crude Carrier Ship's in ballast and loaded vessels over 42 draught who will anchor in the New Anchorage Area (V Berths) North West of Port Said and declared by Agents ready for transit, have to reach the anchorage Area within the limit time of 1900 hours.

(2) Other vessels entering from Port Said Harbour have to reach the Anchorage Area (C berths) within the limit time of 1900 hours.

(3) Ships arriving after the limit time of 1900 hours and not later than 0300 hours will join the second southbound convoy either from Port or direct from sea and be declared by agents ready for transit, provided that the capacity of the Canal permits .

- In all cases, the documents required should be produced before the passage of the vessel by the Canal Office at Port Said or Port of Suez.



(1) Ships anchoring South of Conry Rock: 4th Generation Containerships, 3rd Generation Containerships, Very Large Crude Carrier Ship's Super Tankers, Heavy Bulk carriers Lighter Aboard Ship over 35.000 Suez Canal Gross Tonnage, Liquefied Petroleum Gas & Liquefied Natural Gas (Loaded or Non Gas Free) and vessels over 38 feet draught, have to reach the Anchorage Area (V
Berths) and be declared by Agents ready for transit within the limit time of 0100 hours.

(2) Other vessels who will anchor North of Conry Rock have to reach the waiting area (C Berths) and be declared by Agents ready for transit within the limit time of 0300 hours.

- In all cases, the documents required should be produced before the passage of the vessel by the Canal Office at Port Said or Port of Suez.